November 11, 2019

How tall is Sylvester Stallone?

JENNEN Shoes | Height Increasing Shoes for Men

Sylvester Stallone’s height has been a topic of interest for his fans and the media for a long time. His tremendous build and powerful features make him look like he’s over 6ft (183 cm) tall, but in actuality, he’s only 5’9 (175cm). One reason why Sly always appears taller than 5’9 is because he is known for wearing elevator, or height-increasing shoes. Whether Sly is on or off set, he commonly wears shoes that make him appear taller.

Sylvester Stallone is one of the most established stars in Hollywood. Though he had a rough beginning, his career took a turn when he created and portrayed the iconic character of Rocky Balboa in the blockbuster film, Rocky. He received two Academy Award nominations for Rocky  that made him one of the three men in history to be nominated twice for the same movie. The success of Rocky made Sly Stallone a global star and framed him as a boxing icon.

In this blog, we’ll discuss Sly Stallone’s height vis-a-vis other Hollywood celebrities.

How tall is Sylvester Stallone?

How tall is Stallone?

Sylvester Stallone has starred in some mega movies like Rocky, Rambo, and The Expendables. He can be seen doing major stunts and electrifying action scenes in these films that depict him taller than he actually is. Let’s first compare Stallone’s height with his wife, Jennifer Flavin Stallone, to know how tall Stallone is.


Sylvester Stallone and his wife, Jennifer Flavin Stallone, are of the same height – 5’9 (175 cm), However, in the above photo, they still appear the same height even though she’s wearing 4-5 inch heels (approx 10cm). Therefore, we can conclude that Stallone is wearing elevated shoes that are adding a similar height to his stature.

Here’s another height comparison of Sylvester Stallone with his established peers, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These men developed the craze of power-packed action films, which continue today and are cherished by their fans across the globe.


Arnold Schwarzenegger is 6ft2 or 188cm and is standing fairly straight in the above photo. Bruce Willis is 5’11 (180cm) and appears a couple of inches taller than Sly. Therefore, this could be one of those rare photos where Sly is not actually wearing lift shoes. It’s quite possible that he’s opted for a style similar to JENNEN Shoes’ Mr. Gershwin, which not only matches his preferred look but also offers a discreet height boost, a feature not found in the shoes he’s wearing in this photo.


These three members of the Stallone family – Sistine Stallone (Left), Sylvester Stallone, and Jennifer Flavin Stallone (Right) stand at 5’9 (175cm). We can assume that his sisters are wearing high heels with their beautiful gowns, yet Sly appears the same height. We can therefore conclude that Sly is most likely wearing elevated shoes.

Hussain Delhvi – Content Writer @ JENNEN Shoes

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