Best Stylish Casual Shoes for Shorter Men

February 23, 2021

Best Stylish Casual Shoes for Shorter Men It was the counterculture of the 1960s that brought casual fashion to the forefront, resulting in a decline of the very formal attires and giving rise to the go-to uniform of that era – tees, jeans and casual shoes. Today, this everyday fashion sense translates into a care-free, relaxed and flexible clothing that’s fresh and easy. Even in the world of footwear, casual shoes enjoy celebrated success; people from every walk of life, of every demographic and every gender embrace and swear by casual shoes.


JENNEN shoes | Stand Taller Instantly!


At JENNEN Shoes, we understand how the modern man – metrosexual, meticulous or always on the move – needs a solid pair of footwear to take him through the day, every day. These top picks are not just sculpted for looks; these casual elevator shoes help you stand taller and look your best, whether you’re tall or short.


A wardrobe without white sneakers will always be incomplete. White, evergreen and impressionable, always serves as an easy accent on the eyes. Mr. Shaun is one such height increasing sneaker that elevates your style without overpowering your attire.

With a kick of 6cm in height, these casual shoes are perfect for your city walks, city jobs or anything around the cityscape that fancies your nature. There is a pun hidden somewhere regarding these sneakers being sneaky elevator shoes, but we’ll leave that for you.

Built from premium grade cow leather, these all-white sneakers resist staining (unlike canvas, which stains relatively easily). The high-top structure protects your ankles comfortably, preventing sprains and strains when you’re out and about your day.

More importantly, you can lace Mr. Shaun higher than – let’s say – sleeker shoes, which means you can be sure of a stable and firm footing.


Talking about accents, brown is one such colour which just about matches every other hue, especially so with denim. Leveraging this unique colour was the aim behind crafting Mr. George– super casual shoes with an air of balanced sophistication. What’s so good about these, you ask?
  • A meticulous brown finish on the shoe upper? Check
  • Paired with premium-grade white rubber outsole? Check
  • An impressive 8cm lift in height? Check

A crowning jewel of JENNEN’s height increasing sneakers, Mr. George is a footwear that demands respect, albeit in a cool and laidback fashion. Wear these smart shoes in any casual way, or even pair these with your informal appearances, and see how quickly you’ll receive compliments, quick glances and admirations for your impeccable style.


For an urban man, the importance of getting the work done – no matter the weather – always takes precedence. Boots effectively symbolize this durability without compromising on function.

Mr. Kosmas Blue – an enigmatic pair of boots – represents this meticulous level of craftsmanship that balances a delicate form with effective performance. Call these casual shoes what you want, a lovely shade of blue suede constituting the shoe upper is what you need in your workaholic life.

Designed to offer comfort, a solid grip, protection and a total lift of 8cm to your height, these shoes are highly adaptable for your informal or casual occasions.

You don’t have to limit this fantastic pair just for the indoor work; if you see yourself as an outdoorsman, Mr. Kosmas Blue is that one casual-yet-sturdy pair that you need in your exploration arsenal.


As we mentioned earlier, our quintessential urban man is always on the move. Every second wasted is an opportunity missed, which means that no matter the style, function has to win over.

Mr. Faure incorporates this ideology within its makeup: lace-less boats for restless souls. Crafted from the finest premium-grade suede leather, this pair exudes confidence, casual-approach and an urgency to slip-on and rock the world.

With superb traction and unmissable comfort, Mr. Faure is a wonderful pair of casual elevator shoes which are suitable for just about any occasion. Take these shoes for a day out to work, party or play and you’ll never be disappointed.

And for those of you who seek a little lift to feel taller and smarter, this pair can lift you up by 5cm. No need to fuss over the looks, because they should have already won over your heart.


Sometimes, a style of the past suddenly pops out into the present and latches onto the imagination of the people, transcending cultures and boundaries.

Chelsea boots are one such example, with Mr. Norris – a Chelsea boot offering from the house of JENNEN – representing a bygone era in a modernised depiction of style-statement and comfort.

While the boots trace their origin back to Queen Victoria’s shoemaker, this modern-day avatar represents a clever form of simplicity.

This shoe features a flexible side-panel that easily stretches to accommodate your foot. The design also promotes a tight grip on the shoe, which eliminates the requirements of laces.

Mr. Norris comes in a black shade with suede finish, complimented by wood-and-rubber outsole that works like an ornament. A 7cm elevation – hidden from plain sight – makes these a wonderful choice for those men seeking height increasing shoes.

JENNEN shoes | 7cm Taller Black Suede Men Elevated Boots

Who would have thought that the end-effect of a cultural movement would outlive the movement itself, becoming a fashion icon and sprouting designs that people continue to use throughout their lives?

In fact, casual shoes have become so common that people even pair these with suits, giving an informal edge to their personas. Why, even sports shoes – with their comfort and usability – have been placed within the wider umbrella of the casual dressing sense.

Seeing that the trend of casual clothing won’t see a decline in the foreseeable future, it is safe to assume that functionality has finally found a common ground with everyday style that appeals to everyone.

Want to experience casual elevator shoes? Buy a pair from JENNEN Shoes and be a part of over 200,000 men who stand tall and look sharp – from Australia and across the world – including celebrities.


Article by Hussain Delhvi

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